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Thursday 6 June 2013

30minutes before job interview

before job interview
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if you don't have 30 minutes before an interview.just check the list of do's and dont's.


  • Be on time Be honest
  • Listen carefully  Look neat and well
  • groomed Speak up
  • Be well prepared Be polite at all times
  • Look interested and alert Smile now and then
  • Be yourself Sell yourself 


  • Be late Undersell yourself
  • Be cluttered Argue
  • Slouch in your chair
  • Sniff
  • Mumble
  • Ask about travel expenses until they have been offered
  • Lie – but also don’t volunteer damaging information Put on an act


The night before the interview, check your:

  • Clothes (colour, exposure, buttons on, clean and pressed)
  • Shoes (cleaned and polished, not in need of repair)
  • Hair (does it need washing?)
  •  Finger nails (clean and trimmed, buffed)
  • Jewellery (minimal).

Safe bets

  •  White shirt or blouse
  • Old school/regimental tie
  •  Black shoes for men; black court shoes, medium heel, for women
What to take with you
As part of your keen and eager look, avoid carrying clutter. Just take the essentials – handbag,briefcase,
sample case, toolkit, portfolio. Just one – no more. You
need a hand free. Prepare it the night before.
Did you keep copies of any documents sent with
your application?
  • CV (curriculum vitae – your personal history)
  • Application form
  • Cover letter.
Take these with you, as well as the original advertisement or job description that you have. We tend
to slant the different versions of our CV in the direction of the job being applied for, so you really need a copyof the particular one sent, for reference.

Remember to pack

The letter inviting you to come for interview, which confirms the address and telephone number; if there was no letter, take a note of these details; it is dangerous to rely on memory, and you may need to phone them en route.
  •  Map, route notes, special instructions
  •  Phone card and coins for a call box
  • Notepad and pen to make notes during the interview and record the names of people you met
  • Any company catalogues or brochures, which you will have studied before the interview.

The night before

  •  Prepare your clothes
  • Get your briefcase or bag ready
  • No partying 

A practice interview  

Try doing a mock interview with a friend, and practise over and over again those areas in which they said you were weakest. If the job stakes are high, you may consider it worth having a session with a professional consultant who will offer image advice and rehearse an interview with you. 

Communication skills

The ability to communicate is important for most jobs.
You will score points if you can:

  •  Appear at ease with other people
  • Initiate conversation
  • Answer with confidence 
  •  Express yourself well.
 All these skills contribute to the overall impression you give.

Have a Good luck with your next interview

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